Wednesday, 5 July 2017

Breathing Techniques for Runners

How many of you feel breathless while running?

Increased Heart Rate followed by Elevated  Breath rate is the first response from your body as you start any endurance activity. Inability to tackle this discomfort makes one think that they cant run ever!!!
This post will make you understand the physiological aspect of running on your respiratory system and how breathe properly to cope up with your running speed and distance.
For easy understanding and quick brain response I use 3gear training pattern while training my clients.

Gear 1 :- Warm up / Easy Long Run 
3:2 Breathing Pattern

Every time you hit the ground with any of your foot count as 1 step. (walk / jog)

Breathe  in for 3 steps  and Breathe out for 2 steps (both from nose)
Easy Aerobic Pace :- In this gear body makes energy majorly by burning fat with little bit of carbohydrates and this only can happen with enough supply of oxygen to the working muscles. That's what we are doing in this gear. Taking in more air with every cycle of 3:2 makes you feel comfortable to sustain this pace for quite a long time without getting tired. This is the best pace to stick around for first 2-3 months for beginners, building a stronger base and get the feeling of accomplishment. (When you get better do try 4:3 pattern as well for easy paced runs)
It also acts as a parameter to go easy for a few weeks. If  you feel a need for breathing from mouth you are running too fast too soon.
Gear 2 :- Intervals / Increasing pace in longer run
Running in faster intervals [e.g. 1(fast) : 2(easy)] or picking up speed in longer run

Inhale for 3 step from nose and exhale for 2 steps from mouth.
Anaerobic Workout : In order to increase your speed you need to work in Slightly Uncomfortable Zone for a specific time frame and then in relaxed easy pace for less / same / more time to recover. Runners generally get fatigued not because lack of O2 but because they cannot expel enough CO2 which is a by product of anaerobic pathway of energy production in our bodies.
For an average amateur runner this session should be anywhere between 20-40min max.
Check Need For Speed for speed training workouts.
Gear 3 :- Sprinting / Hills / Finishing a Race/ Best 5k
Running faster almost all out effort
This is cutting edge performance zone.

As every human is designed differently and can have different physiological adaptations.

I can give you few options for breathing you can try one or all of them in a course and see what fits best for you.
Option 1 : 1 Step Inhale from Nose : 2 Steps exhale from Mouth.

Option 2: 2 Step Inhale from Nose : 3 Steps exhale from Mouth.

Option 3 : 2 Step Inhale from Mouth : 3 Steps exhale from Mouth.
Idea here is to get rid of CO2 as quick as possible also I encourage dropping you jaw and practice Option 3 as it reduces muscle tension and stress on face when you are running for ALL OUT EFFORT.

Gagan Arora

(Celebrity Fitness Expert)
Master Trainer Reebok Running Squad
REHAB Trainer
A.C.S.M. Personal Trainer
Animal Flow Instructor
Barefoot Training Specialist
with 20 years of experience in Holistic Fitness


  1. Thanks for sharing Gagan, Lovely inputs

    1. Cheers! Knowledge and Experience grows with sharing 👍

  2. Thanks Gagan for good inputs.. Neera was also teaching similar technique in RRS , Bangalore, which I'm part of ☺

  3. Amazing knowledge & an even amazing coach. Can't be better. Thanks GAGAN for all.

  4. Gagan, I can't breathe OUT from my nose as my nasal discharge flows out and then I have to start to use a handkerchief.. very irritating, hence I breathe out from my mouth instead. Any suggestions ?
